
Welcome to the StaffWatch documentation and support site!

Considering purchasing StaffWatch?

For a full list of features, and information on pricing, visit our homepage!

Trying to join a community?

Are you a staff member trying to moderate an existing community on StaffWatch? If so, we have a few guides that should hopefully help you out! Our Quick Setup guide (the first link below) gives a general overview of how to get started with our website! If you need a little extra help you can check out our Using the Site guide for more information on specific topics!

😎Guide For UsersUser Guides

Looking for help creating a community?

Just purchased StaffWatch but you don't know what to do now? Luckily, we have some pretty sick setup guides to help you get everything running. The guide below should be enough for most users, but if you run into any issues or need additional help feel free to join the Discord.

👨‍💻Guide For DevelopersInstall Guides

Want personalized support?

Join our Discord for updates, support, and much more!

Last updated